Hope Rehabilitation Center is the only institution in Pakistan which works for the advancement of the rehabilitation disciplines especially the orthotics and prosthetics and is totally committed to its objectives.
The paid staff comprises of 8 prosthetic & orthotic technicians, 2 physiotherapists in addition to the 7 employees being part of the general administrative staff. Two visiting clinical psychologists attend the clinic on alternate days whereas the Center has three volunteer doctors assisting in various tasks.
Dr. Khalid Niaz Niazi, a consultant in rehabilitation and the founder president of the Hope Rehabilitation Society, is responsible for running the Center. Dr. Niazi also provides consultancy to private cases from 3 to 6 pm and one-third of the income from private cases is donated to the donation fund of the Hope Society. However, the initial examination and the prosthetic prescription until the stump is mature for the cast is provided free of cost to 100 % amputees.
All the services are provided at ‘no profit no loss’ basis. However, for the poor and very deserving disabled people, O & P are provided free of charge out of the donation funds maintained, for this purpose, by the Hope Rehabilitation Society.